Saturday, December 23, 2017

progress report

As I mentioned earlier, we are having some repairs done on the house, namely the garage doors and all the screens and screen doors in the house.  So while I sit here humming along to La Nozze de Figaro I thought I'd let you know how things are progressing


True to its (only somewhat deserved) reputation as a manaa˜a society, the door folks never showed on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.  Fernando made an inquiry and we said that, no, nothing.  So he consulted with his friend Enrique (a carpenter) who told Fernando he knew just the folks who could do this.  So yesterday in the late afternoon a crew of four showed up with all kinds of heavy-duty tools (and a dog, of course), got right to work, drilled, hammered, welded, etc., and within an hour had the whole job done, where packed up and gone.  Cost:  800 pesos ($40).  The doors now close perfectly, swing on gins once more bolted firmly into the walls.  It should last for another 30 years!


They were to come Thursday afternoon to start on the 2nd floor, and finish up by tomorrow.  Today is  Saturday.  Nothing yet. See above for manaƱa comment.