Saturday, April 20, 2013

the list of lasts

The last tiangues:   Monday was the last street market of the season.  This was usually an occasion when Marie and I stopped in at Las Jacarandas for an end-of-season treat of bean tacos and beer, rehashed the events of the past five months, and then took our last, leisurely stroll down the aisles.  This year it was just  a quick dash in to buy a couple of things and then home.

The last visit to Tecoman:  The bank, the phone company to change our internet service (we'll keep it running in order to avoid the 6-week wait next year, but reduced our service package to the cheapest possible), the repair shop to pick up our CD player that had a jammed tape eject (broken spring), to the Bodega for a few necessary items.  There is new supermarket going in right across the street from the Bodega, set to open soon.  So many choices!

The last house cleaning:  Tuesday was Chuy's last day to give the house it's thorough weekly cleaning.  If we're going to entertain, it's always Tuesday evening!  I am really going to miss this luxury. 

The last domino game:  played on Wednesday afternoon with Charlotte and Linda.  Char is clearing out of here on May 10 and, if she has her way, won't be back.  She has a house in Ajijic, a town near Guadalajara, and prefers it up there.  Better public transportation, closer to stores and shops.  We tried to convince her to come back down for awhile next season but at this point she's doubtful.  So the game really may be my last with her.

The last visit to the library:  Gloria returned from her two-week vacation over the Easter holiday and the library is again open for business.  I returned a pile of books borrowed earlier in the season and donated a new book and a whole stack of CD's and tapes.  We use our iPod and Bose music sysstem instead so it was time to week out our collection and pass them on.  It's a whole new "lending" category and, thanks to our new shelving, there's plenty of space for them.

The last evening at Dago's:  Dinner last night was, as usual, delicious.  I brought my shrimp home to pack and take on the road for nibbles along the way.  No opera today ~ more Wagner in the form of Siegfried.

And besides, we're going down to Fernando's at 1 o'clock for our last puesto comida.  Jack is joining us for lunch, an almost unheard of outing for him, but I persuaded him to kick up his heels and do something daring!  Fernando is cooking robalo al vapor, a concoction of a sweet, succulent fish steamed with potato slices, onions, tomatoes, red peppers, garlic and cilantro.  So delicious.

Tonight will be our last night for Mr. C's absolutely perfect Margaritas.  He makes them in the liquadora and they are sweet and tart and laced with just enough tequila so you know you've had some.  I think we've only buzzed up two or three the entire season.  He's gotten on to drinking what we call a Bloody Guadalupe ~ tequila and Clamato juice.  I stick to white wine.

It's our last night of ocean song, to sleep with the soothing sounds of the surf.  The next time will be in San Carlos on Tuesday and that's really the gentle lapping of the tide in a bay.   Then it's on to Gila Bend, AZ, Irvine, CA and home by Friday.  No sea sounds until next season.

Tomorrow morning will be the usual frenzied last-minute preparations although I think most everything is either packed or ready to be packed.  Mr. C got up at 3 AM this morning and, among other things, baked a minced meat pie so at least he's gotten that out of the way!  What's left is to rearrange the cargo hold in the van, stuff a few more things into the various nooks and crannies, pile on the suitcases and we'll be gone.

This has been a very bittersweet season for me.  I have missed Marie every day.  Nothing is quite as much fun without her.  I certainly haven't laughed as much or talked as much.  The former is not a good thing; the latter perhaps.

On that note I want to leave you with this photo, a propos of absolutely nothing except to contrast these military police women with those we've seen in Boston over the past week (and by the way, well done everyone!).   Who do you think is responsible for the uniforms, down to the "combat" platforms?


meg said...

Oh man , that was so captivating and moving..
safe travels

meg said...

Oh man , that was so captivating and moving..
safe travels