Monday, August 7, 2017

summer's bounty

Our neighbor planted 6 or 7 tomato plants in three raised beds in her garden ~ big beefsteaks, some Early Girls, Romas, and a variety of grape and cherry varieties, red, yellow and gold.  And, as always happens after a spate of hot weather, they ALL came in at once.  Dozens and dozens of tomatoes just right for the picking.  She sent out an SOS to her neighbors and Mr. C, our resident farm boy, went right over to answer her call.  Above shows about half of what he brought home.  Yesterday he roasted one batch for his delicious tomato soup.  This morning he took care of the rest in the same way.  And there will be many more of these beauties before the summer is done. As soon as we get some cooler weather, we'll eat!

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