Friday, January 17, 2014

they came . . .they saw . . .

but they didn't buy.  The "lookers" have returned to the US without having dropped a bundle on our house.  We await the next interested parties of whom, unfortunately, there are precious few these days.  I think the Mexican Riviera boomlet is over and we will probably have to wait quite a while to sell.  But it could be in a worst place, you know.

 Meanwhile, the weather is gorgeous, the garden is thriving, the domino games are great fun.  The tree in the photo above has been invaded by a gorgeous purple trumpet vine that we nursed along for several years to no avail.  Suddenly it's all over the place.  Dago's tonight; the opera is Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin.  The days roll by, as days will do.  It's mighty peaceful.


Liz said...

Susan, you never know... sometimes folks look for awhile before deciding. Or, they may just be "tire-kickers," just looking to see what's out there, not really committed to buying yet. But, I am sure you got positive feedback from the realtor. And, you are absolutely right-- not selling that lovely home is not the worst thing in the world!

I'm off to Palm Springs tomorrow, for 6 weeks. Back March 1. Life is good, no?

mary ann said...

i agree with Liz - your grgeous casa will sell and until then you will enjoy it so much...

ddmichel said...

In my experience it is usually not the first looker who buys but it is like they prime the pump for the real buyer who should be coming along any time now! xxoo

The Fevered Brain said...

Boy, I sure hope so because this keeping of the house in apple pie order is getting old real fast!

DAK said...

Wpw. I didn't know you were trying to sell. Tell me exactly where you are please? I can't hardly Google "Mexico" and "Opera"...