Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Turkey Has Risen!

This may be a new expression to some of you. But in my house, both growing up and grown up, it was the Thanksgiving morning greeting. It is based, of course, on the Easter greeting," The Lord is Risen!" "He is risen, indeed! Hallelujah!" We devised the birthday greeting, as well. "Your age has risen! etc. . . " Well, last night the gorgeous turkey prepared by Gina certainly rose to the occasion.

Along with this beautiful bird we had all the usual trimmings; dressing, mashed potatoes and mashed yams, a rich and tasty gravy, green beans, kohl vegetables, a nice refreshing salad, all followed by Mr. C's yummy pies. Several delicious wines were served, much good talk, and to top it off, "To Catch a Thief" rolled by on the TV.

Here is the lovely table where we all shared in this bounty. There was quite a bit of turkey left over; the hostess promised to bring some over to us today so we can make turkey sandwiches to take on the road tomorrow.

Ah yes, tomorrow. I asked the pilot what time we were going to get this circus on the road. "Six AM, I hope." We'll be lucky to get out of here by 7 AM, I bet. I'll take a picture of the loaded car and put it up later. We'll probably have internet in Palm Springs, but after that, the blog will be silent until we make it to the beach. Oh, perhaps in Mazatlan? We'll see. Meanwhile, last minute packing, the search for one square inch in the car to tuck in something forgotten (good luck), and then it's on our way to our other life.

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