Saturday, April 4, 2015

days two and three

I didn't get a chance to post last night before we headed down to the sweet quiet of the colonia so here's an update on yesterday and today's zoorama in our little Mexican seaside town.

We got back here yesterday morning at just past 7 AM.  Already the streets were jammed with beach goers, even though it was cool, damp, overcast.  Cars were parked on both sides of the street until we got to our road and then there was nothing.  That didn't last long, however.  By 11 AM it was solid on both sides.  The disco started at 9 AM and went, NON-STOP, all day.  At 5 PM, a second disco started up and the report from Jack is that it went until 4 AM this morning.  Meanwhile, we are sleeping soundly in the comfort and quiet of B & B's little casita

Thursday morning

11 AM on our street looking north
2 PM traffic jam at the end of our street

Tents, trucks, even an ambulance with a political poster on the side
I went down to the malecón at about 2 o'clock to just have a look around.  My conservative estimate is that there were about 20,000 people crowded along our beaches, as far as the eye could see in both directions and from the edge of the walkway to the water line, plus the mobs wandering along the center.  Mid-way down was a boxing ring (!) with yelling fans mobbed around it.  I stood watching this whole scene of unfettered humanity for a bit and then went home to absolutely marvel at the whole scene.  I do not remember in any past years when there were so many people here.  In fact, we have commented over the past few Easter holidays that the crowds were shrinking.  Even Chuy said she thought there were many more people this year.  Well, it's good for local merchants, who count on this season to make most of their yearly profit.  And a long as I have someplace to sleep I really should have no complaint.  But the disco starting at 9 is really a bit much.

We finally gave up and went down to sleep around 8, just to get away from the noise.  It's another, quieter, world down there.

When we got home this morning is was dead silent.  There were just a few people wandering around.  The cars on our street were leftovers from yesterday.  And the town stayed quiet until about half an hour ago when one of the discosstarted.  I think the whole town  was hung-over and sleeping it off.  I myself have not been feeling in top form for 3 or 4 days so I spent most of the day resting, reading, napping so I am ever so grateful for the quiet.  But now that I'm up, so is the disco!  An early light supper and then we zip off to our little hideaway for a quiet night.

I did listen to the opera today, Verdi's "Ernani" which does not end well for all concerned, of course.  Some truly magnificent music.  Placido Domingo was to sing the baritone part of Don Carlos, the king, but was "taken ill" and didn't appear.  Next week another Verdi:  "Don Carlos" (again with the Don Carlos, this one the Ernani Don Carlos' grandson; nothing like continuity!).

TV watchers' note:  Hilary Mantel's "Wolf Hall" appears on PBS Masterpiece this weekend.    If you're any kind of English history buff you won't want to miss it.  Even Mantel herself thinks it's been very well done.  Unfortunately I have to wait until I get home; I hope the Flix® will have it soon.

1 comment:

mary ann said...

lordy - what a weekend in your sleepy village