Monday, April 5, 2010

the party's over

By yesterday at noon, our street was empty, the tenters were all gone, the trucks and cars on the next street over had packed up and left. Driving back into town from the overnight we saw streams of cars leaving town, heading back to wherever they came from, car roofs loaded with folding chairs, tenting equipment, cold chests, and various boxes and suitcases. Everyone looked exhausted and sunburned and happy. I'm glad they came and had a good time but I was also mighty glad to see them go. This was the only truck parked on the street and it was a most welcome sight. This is one of the delivery/pick-up trucks for the sound system for the disco. S & M sound indeed!

Just to be sure I didn't get trapped by the noise I went to the colonia last night again. We played a very fun card game called "Wizard" that's vaguely akin to bridge except that you don't play with a partner. Helen and Linda are great game players and always bring something new to amuse all of us. We went to be early ~ having stayed up until after 1 AM Sunday talking, laughing, throwing back the odd glass or two. Great time. But everyone had work to do today; tianges for one. Then Marie, Ms. Neighbor Nelson and I went to the Jacaranda pizza joint for our annual bean-taco-and-beer end-of-season celebration. The Nelson's leave next week, Marie and I in a month. Yikes! It seems like we just got here. But it's getting hot and when that happens Mr. C begins to talk himself into the departure mode. We are expecting one more spate of guests in 10 days or so. Then it will be the chore to pack things away until next year.

1 comment:

mary ann said...

Yeah ~ a month of joy for you guys.
Write lots!