Wednesday, May 5, 2010

leaving behind

We spent yesterday finishing up the packing of the house. I have paid particular attention to things like the sound and smell of the ocean, the tinkling tune of the ice cream man who drives through town ~ he's playing the same tune as he did the first time we came down here 20 years ago ~ the message of the gaz truck as he trolls up and down the streets selling his gas canisters, the talera vendor who always slows in front of our house just in case. Fernando and Chuy came by to talk about what needs to be done over the summer months; not a whole lot, it turns out, except to pay the bills as they trickle in and to water the garden until the rains start. I've said "Good bye" to Jack, other year-rounders, Marie (she leaves tomorrow morning), to the vegetable man and the chicken man in the tianguis, to the Santorini water delivery man, the Indio beer delivery man, to Dago. Is there anyone I've forgotten? Hasta año proximo.

I will be internet challenged until we hit Gila Bend, AZ on Saturday. I may have a connection tomorrow in Tepic, but definitely nothing in Topolobampo or San Carlos. I'll fill you in on any adventures encountered along the way. To hear the State Department and the consulate in Hermasillo, there are numerous possibilities. I am praying for tedium.

It's been a very good season, with lots of lessons learned, domino games played, books read, friends visited, walks taken, beer drunk, shrimp consumed on Friday nights at Dago's. I look forward to more of the same in 7 months. Life is very good down here in the tropics, in this seedy little Mexican village by the seashore.