Tuesday, September 6, 2011

a labor-free Labor Day

The only thing I labored over yesterday was this absolutely delicious fresh peach and blueberry pie that we enjoyed with a big dollop of Hägen Daz vanilla ice cream for our dessert last night. I bought the peaches at the Farmers' Market on Saturday. Four pounds of them, all sliced up into Mr. C's perfect-every-time crust.

(Author's note: I am a terrible food photographer. I'm either going to have to learn how to do this well or quit altogether.)

Otherwise, the day was spent having a massage, then finishing "Gilead." What a rich, thought-provoking and challenging book. Robinson's Pulitzer Prize winner is filled with incisive thought and careful and elegant prose. I've already put it on my list to read again next year.

Alex has gone into town to meet an old friend for a morning visit. Then she and I are going to the Crocker Museum of Art for a stroll through its treasures. Perhaps a smart lunch someplace nearby. She heads back home tomorrow. It has been a wonderful visit. I wish she lived closer so we could do this Mother-Daughter thing more often.

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