Monday, January 21, 2013

oh happy day!

First, the 49'ers won and are off to the Super Bowl in a couple of weeks.

Second, the inauguration was a splendid spectacle.  I went down to dear Charlotte's house promptly at 10:30, had a ring-side seat, heard the speeches, watched the Chief swear in the President, heard more speeches, and came home happy with the results.  A more upbeat message than four years ago when the nation was staggering under the reality of the economic mess.  Probably not up to Lincoln's second inaugural, but similar to FDR's second.  I wish him all the best.

Then home to check on the progress of Mr. C's malady.  Yep, he's got a very nasty cold and had, thankfully, moved downstairs to sleep so he can cough and sniffle the night away and I will be undisturbed.

The wall is almost done.  I think Pedro, the carpenter, will be here tomorrow to talk about the gate.  I'm still unsure of exactly what I want so I'm going to rely on his expertise about wood, framing, locks, etc.

Great domino game this afternoon in Blanche's upstairs mirador.  Just enough room for two tables of three players.

All around good day.


mary ann said...

my life is better now that you are posting more frequently ~ hope Mr. C improves quickly, check on him in a week or so to make sure. Signed, a loyal wife

Anonymous said...

Liz says:

Well, we are also thrilled here in B'more re our Ravens making it to the Superbowl!!! As you probably know, it will pit the stellar coaching Harbaugh brothers against one another (again). Some want to call it the Harbowl :-). The city is just awash in purple lights at night.

I, too, watched the whole Inaugural pageant cover-to-cover. You are right-- a fabulous weekend!! Life IS good...

Get well soon, Jim!!!