Monday, May 11, 2015

out with the old . . .

This is our old, trusty fridge that is 15 years old.  It was beginning to have a few aches and pains, wasn't at all convenient, and just needed to be retired.  Besides, I wanted a freezer-on-the-bottom model so I don't have to squat down on the floor to find everything.  So last Friday we went up to the Sears store in Sacramento to browse the appliances.  I had done a bit of research on the internet, found the one I thought I wanted and was all ready, research in hand.  Once we got there we realized the one that had looked right was actually too small.  Mr. C, measuring tape in hand, walked around looking at every single refrigerator on the floor and we finally decided on just the right one.

Mr. C emptied it out, cleaned it all up, cannibalized the egg box and the butter dish, unplugged it and then we waited for the delivery of the new machine.  We had measured very carefully and the only problem we discovered was that the delivery chaps might not be able to get it through the front door.

BUT, never fear.  These very clever guys got it right in, no problem, and into its little cubby with even a few inches to spare.

. . . in with the new!

This beauty has more storage space than the old one which means Mr. C has more room for all his coveted left-overs.  And it's absolutely silent (the old one was beginning to make strange shuddering noises).  Seems like an awfully big fridge for just two people but I know we'll soon fill it up.


ddmichel said...

that does not look like Corona.....

Liz said...

WOW! New fridge even has food it it!!! :-) Looks really spacious!

My fridge is 14 years old, but it's got a custom panel on the front to match the cabinets. Don't think I can get another one of those. What I really want is an all-refrigerator model, with an ice maker. (I have a full-size freezer, too.) Had one of those all-fridge models in NH, but they don't seem to sell them anymore...