When I arrived here on Sunday I went right to the hospital to see my sister. She was completely unresponsive. Almost comatose. The ICU nurse explained that she had been so heavily medicated for pain that she was, basically, out cold. Since her kidneys don't work to filter out waste she has to depend on dialysis to do that for her and therefore it takes a lot longer for the body to get rid of that stuff. I talked to her but there was no indication that she heard me. Yesterday she was still "asleep" and unresponsive so I didn't even go to see her. Instead I had a wonderful lunch with a very old friend. That lifted my spirits greatly. When I got home the word from the hospital was that they were going to dialyze her yet again and do another MRI just to be sure there was no obstruction in either the heart or the brain. I went to bed feeling mighty scared.
But this morning the medical report is much better. Vic is awake but very groggy. I will go in to see her this afternoon. After a 36 hour nap she ought to be perky as all get out.
Susan, thinking of you both and holding you in my heart.
Wow, my thoughts are with you both now too.
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