Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I've been holding off on writing here, trying to keep the airwaves and vibes clear. I wanted to be sure I didn't miss a message from my sister. You know, the rustle of a tree, the sudden song of a bird in the middle of the night, a slamming door. Those sorts of things. But alas, nothing like that happened. Instead, I had a technicolor dream about her on Sunday night/Monday morning. I'm judging from the timing that it was exactly the moment she died three weeks ago. I waited quite a long time for a message from my mother but it as yet has not arrived. We weren't close. It's been five years and she probably has, as I suspected, forgotten all about me.

But as for Vicky, I'll tell you, she looked fabulous. I haven't seen her look that good in years. I came into a bedroom and she was in bed, fully clothed. I must have registered shock on my face when I saw her because she said, getting out of bed, "Why do you look so suprised to see me?"

"Because you're not here anymore. You died."

"Nonsense! Do I look dead?" I had to admit she didn't. I put my arms around her and, I swear, I could really feel her there. "I'm just fine. Really."

I believe her.

And where did this mystical confab take place? At our old boarding school in La Jolla. I'm not quite sure why she chose that place to hang out, but she could do worse. At least now I'll know where to find her next time I'm in town.


ddmichel said...

I truely love the Brownie photo, you sister is by far the most outstanding of them all. None of the other girls outfits even fit them! Your sister had a light and I wish I had met her. Thank you for that photo.

I am so moved by todays post that I will have to comment on it later....

mary ann said...

Lovely, lovely writing. Thanks.

DAK said...

What really gets me is that you could actually feel her in your dream -- usually you might just touch air. That's so nice.

Kaley D. said...

Susan, This post of your dream about my mom is so beautiful. What a gift to see her and feel her again. I woke up about a week ago to her voice calling, "K-O... K-O?" I was so startled when I woke up that I immediately burst into tears. But I don't know what she was calling for. Yet.