Thursday, October 13, 2011

adios Jova

I heard from Jack this morning that Jova has moved northeast, leaving a trail of death and destruction, but not in our village. Gale-force winds, 12" of rain, some downed palm trees, some flooding, but no structural damage to our house. Yes, the palapa is still there. I don't know whether those neighbors who left for higher ground have been able to return. We are mighty thankful that it wasn't any worse. Barra de Navidad and Puerto Vallerta were badly damaged; terrible structural damage, many dead.

Now it's time to move on and write about something else. Tomorrow, all the grim details about dealing with two of our favorite bureaucracies: AT&T and the DMV.

1 comment:

mary ann said...

That's a relief. We are so insular here, I wouldn't have known about Jova w/o you!