Saturday, July 11, 2009

the avid reader

Bookstores are my favorite places to hang out. Better than bars. Better than bargain basements. I don't spend a lot of money in them, thanks to our splendid libraries, but I have spent several fortunes in time, browsing the stacks, taking notes on what's new, what titles/authors look intriguing. So it was this morning when I went into our ONLY indy bookstore, The Avid Reader. I actually did make a purchase of a children's book for a certain birthday girl. While waiting for it to be gift wrapped, I overheard the following conversation between a dad and a 4-year old girl with a high voice and a no-nonsense attitude.

4-Year Old: Dad, come up here with me. I need more books.

Dad: You don't think you have enough books?

4YO: Dad, you always tell me you can never have too many books.

There is a pause in this chat-up while the 4YO browses the shelves. Then she pipes up,

4YO: Dad, read me this book.

D: OK, let's sit here. (There are comfy chairs in the kids section for just this sort of thing.)

I can hear Dad's murmuring voice. Then,

4YO: Dad, slow down. Don't turn the pages so fast. I can't see the pictures.

Soon Mom goes upstairs and there is general chat about our 4YO's apparently extensive library to which she wants to add a few new titles.

Mom: How about this one?

4YO: Mom, you don't understand. Dad just read that one to me. I'll find something else.

By this time my package was wrapped and off I went, secure in the knowledge that reading is still a happening thing.

1 comment:

mary ann said...

Sweet. I love when the young 'uns
are hooked on the books.