Saturday, July 25, 2009

good things

This morning's Farmers' Market was bustling and lively when I got there at 8:30. The political tables had been set up, the musicians were staking out the best spots, the espresso wagon was going full blast and the line was already long. Here is a tasty sampling of today's offerings.

Three varieties of beets.

Big, beautiful bunches of bright orange carrots with the greens still attached.
They look like real food.

I call these strawberries "clone-berries" since they all look identical.
But believe it or not, they are very sweet and juicy.

I brought home a bag of these for grilling. My favorite!

There are four different "artisan" bakeries that sell at the market.
The staff of life has never looked so good.

No explanation needed.

And for dessert. . .

These will enhance our picnic table.

Bon appétit!

1 comment:

DAK said...

Those beets look really yummy. Have you ever made pantzarosalata? (chioggia beets, garlic, olive oil, bread crumbs etc...) You could spread it on some of that great looking bread.