Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunday matinee

This is an utterly delightful, frothy, silly homage to Spencer Tracy and you souldn't miss it. Given the rest of the drek out there, it's worth the time and money.

Also worth the time and money is this book, originally recommended by Nocomma, a voracious and discriminating reader.

As for the rest of the week ~ Ricci at the court, Farrah, Michael, and, yet again, Palin ~ most of it went by in a blur. Everyone else has commented; I'll refrain. Just let me say that this world is a very weird place.

Forgot to include this photo in my Bozeman submission. Here he is at 15 months; long, lean and very funny.

1 comment:

mary ann said...

Yeah, Ike! Thanks, glad you like Olive too. Enough of the "good" sheroes, right?