Thursday, August 23, 2012

gauging the cuteness factor

The daughter of my La Jolla hostess lives in New York. She recently lost her very aged dog and has decided to fine a new one. After much research (she's a lawyer, for heaven's sake!) she found a litter of labs in Massachusetts, made a couple of visits, and finally chose this one. Here's the report from the besotted grandmother on the new granddog.
 Here she is! Her name is Baby, she's black black black, and the cuteness factor is off the charts! Great big paws, fat tummy, tail that doesn't stop wagging, and, of course, she's so smart. Hasn't had an accident inside since Monday (we brought her home on Friday), she has her chosen poop and whizz places in the back yard, and she's only waking up once at night. She chases balls and boys and flowers and plays and then just goes clunk. And she's good in the car and so affectionate. In other words, just plain perfect.
This baby will grow up to weight in at around 50 pounds. Some baby!