Friday, November 16, 2012

doing colin firth

I've been having a little fling with Colin Firth in the last few days.  I watched these two splendid movies and I recommend both.  First was "A Summer in Genoa."  Keep the tissues handy, tho.  Beautiful scenery, lovely story of parents, children, the world, and trying to put it all together in the midst of terrible grief.

The second was "When Did you Last See your Father" with the wonderful Juliet Stevenson and Jim Broadbent lending support.  Again, parents, children, the world, etc.  Not bad scenery, either, of the green and rolling English countryside.

That's going to be about it for movies before we go.  I am going to keep my instant watch on the Flix so I can catch a film while in Mexico.  Most American film DVDs for sale have been dubbed into Spanish without subtitles and although I do just fine in a hardware store, machine gun Spanish in a movie is still more than I can handle.

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