Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mr. C grows a garden

As soon as we arrived in December, Mr. C sorted out his garden seeds and started right in. He brought down Mexican sunflowers, zinnias, coreopsis, and Mexican primroses. The coreopsis, which grow like mad at our home in the valley and reseeds itself over and over, has so far refused the offer of a life in Mexico; nothing. And as a matter of fact I've never seen them here. Perhaps it's too salty or damp. Everything else, though, has responded to his care and attention.

This is the Mexican primrose that grows like a weed at home and is almost impossible to get rid of. It has light pink flowers and is fairly shrubby. I'm not sure he brought the right seeds; looks more like arugula to me, and I don't remember our primrose leaves looking like this. Time will tell, I guess.

Here is the one healthy zinnia he managed to grow. Our friend Jack has said that he grew zinnias once and, like this one, they were 3 - 4' tall and didn't reseed. So much for the zinnias.

These are the sunflowers, though. A bright orange with yellow centers, they grow well, produce lots of blossoms that last a long time.

He also planted some in a big pot with the Mexican Desert Rose plant in the front patio. The mix of colors ~ bright orange peeking out from the lovely pink rose flowers ~ looks very Mexican.

A parting photo of our front patio's luscious bougainvillea. It is a two-toned job that was an unholy mess when we got down here. But with some new soil, lots of water, a dose of fertilizer, and a severe pruning job it is now so happy and is bestowing its beauty in the garden. If allowed, it will arch its way over the wall and lavish its loveliness in our vacant lot next door. I want it in the garden, all to myself.

Tonight we are having a farewell dinner with Liz who is heading home tomorrow after a 7-week stay at Fernando's casa. Not everyone who comes here falls in love with the place. It has its warts, some of them quite large. I think she enjoyed some of what she found here, but some of it she didn't like. I don't know if she'll be back, but I hope she takes a few good memories home with her.


mary ann said...

lovely fleur!

Anonymous said...

Liz says:
I certainly DID fall in love with Cuyutlan, and other places in Mexico I was fortunate enough to experience! Yes, there are a few warts, like finding decent bread, when the talera man doesn't show, or is out of them-- not to mention a freezer too small to store a much other than ice cube trays. Also, it was difficult learning to live without a car, relying on weekly trips to Tianges & possibly the Bodega, courtesy of Susan's gracious generosity. I say "difficult" only because I tend to be overly self-reliant, I think...
Also, the noise of that chain-saw caper Susan mentioned earlier was horrid. The same party revs up his deafening wave-rider engines at various times, in his front porch, right across the street from my digs.
I don't know yet whether or not I'll be back next year, but I certainly enjoyed my stay this year!